Just got done building some Chaos Space Marines and I thought I would show you some photos:
The Gang
My Nurgle Icon Marine
My Tzeentch Icon Marine
Now if you look in the group photo above I don't HAVE a Tzeentch Icon Marine. How can this be? Magnets of course
This marine has magnets on the end of the staff, neck and left shoulder so now I can support all four gods and the glories of Chaos. It was pretty easy to do, I just used a 1/16" drill bit and some 1/16" x 1/32" thick cylinder rare earth magnet. I got the idea from Lantz's conversion of his Dire Avenger Exarch over at The Magnet Pro.
Now for my best Jeff Dunham impression:
I have a talking Nurgle Head.... on a steeek
Nothing says Chaos like a talking head on a stick.