Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Chaosmas!

Happy Holidays everyone!

It looks like I have finally completed my backslide into heresy. I have been thinking about doing a 3rd and final army of Chaos Space Marines so I can stop getting my can kicked around by 3+ armor save armies. Apparently the ruinous powers overheard me talking about it because Chaos has started to infiltrate my collection.

First, there was the Sorcerer on my birthday ( THANKS BLOOD ANGELS AARON! ):

Today, I got this guy ( THANKS CHAOS TAD! ):

... and for Christmas I am pretty sure I am getting this from my wife and parents.

Needless to say SUPER excited about getting my own traitor legion started. However, I have to temper my enthusiasm as this is intended to be "IT". I want to put all of my accumulated knowledge and experience from the Guard and the Orks into this army. I want to be able to stand back from these guys and say ... "Wow, this is something I can really be proud of," not only as an army but as actual "art".

I am all ready to go when it comes to the look/fluff of this army. They are going to be a band of Imperial Fists that were seduced by Nurgle and keep a similar color scheme with the exception of swapping the red for black. I would also like to use a variant of the Imp. Fist's symbol as well

I plan to find a basic symbol, photo shop it in front of the chaos star, make it look like the fist is throwing the horns and put it on a banner

Of course I have a list in my head for them as well, it goes a little something like this:

Hand of Corruption (1500 pts)

Deamon Prince
- Wings
- Mark of Nurgle
- Sorcerer
- Nurgle's Rot

Chaos Sorcerer
- Mark of Nurgle
- Power Weapon and Bolt Pistol
- Familiar
- Palanquin of Nurgle
- Doom bolt
- Nurgle's Rot

Plague Marine x 6

Chaos Space Marine x 10
- Aspiring Champion
- Power weapon/Bolt pistol
- Melta
- Flamer
- Icon of Nurgle
- Rhino
- Possessed

Chaos Space Marine x 10
- Aspiring Champion
- Power weapon/Bolt pistol
- Melta
- Flamer
- Icon of Nurgle
- Rhino
- Possessed

Terminators x 5
- Twin lightning claws x4
- Reaper Auto Cannon and Power Fist



I think this should be a decent all comers list and at the very least some fluffy fun. I was especially happy to be able to shoehorn the "magic 7" into the plague marines ( the sorcerer will be the "leader" and 7th member). As always comments and criticisms are always appreciated so let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Consider yourself commented on and criticized. Behind your back of course, but hey that's chaos.
